Multispecies Hematology Analyzers

Our state-of-the-art hematology technology can now enable veterinary laboratories with complete blood counts and automated cell differentials. Along with powerful, intuitive software and artificial intelligence, we can enable your lab to explore new testing protocols.
vetenarian with dog
  • XN-V Series™

    The XN-V’s powerful and intuitive software offers data analysis flexibility, enabling your lab to explore new testing protocols and potentially discover scientific breakthroughs.
    Learn More
  • cellavisionVet analyzer

    CellaVision® Vet Analyzers

    The CellaVision® vet system, which includes the CellaVision® DM1200V and CellaVision® DM9600V, captures images from multispecies slides which are analyzed with specific artificial neural network technology.

  • XN-Series Analyzers


    Our award-winning hematology analyzers are scalable, modular and customized for your laboratory’s needs.

  • Blood cells


    Accurately and precisely measure the factors required to stop bleeding and identify possible abnormalities.

    Explore Hemostasis
  • CLIA waived XW-100 3-part dif

    3-Part Differential Hematology Analyzers

    Our 3-part differential analyzers feature simple operation, minimal maintenance and compact, space-saving designs.
