Sysmex Sustainability
Supporting Sustainable Development Goals
Sysmex Corporation signed the United Nations Global Compact in February 2011 to proactively promote its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. When identifying priority issues and promoting CSR activities, Sysmex refers to the Ten Principles of the Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that the United Nations adopted in September 2015.

Declaration of Achieving Carbon Neutrality
Sysmex has set new "Carbon Neutral Targets" with the aim of achieving zero emissions of greenhouse gases in Sysmex offices by 2040. In addition, we will set SBT (Science Based Targets) targets and engage in activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from supply chains in addition to those from our business offices.Learn More
Sysmex Reagent Production
Sysmex designed its Sysmex Reagent America's facility with leading-edge technologies for water purification and environmentally-friendly waste treatment systems in an effort to improve operational efficiencies and drive quality at the factory.