Flow Cytometry
Our comprehensive Flow Cytometry solutions include advanced, unique products, automated sample preparation, flow cytometers, filters, reagents, monoclonal antibodies and analytical software. Unless otherwise indicated, all flow cytometry products available in this website are for Research Use Only.Request Info

Explore advanced flow cytometry instruments to help you manage workflow and data analysis.Explore -
Discover how our CyFlow antibody portfolio (ASRs) contribute to your core clinical Laboratory developed tests (LDTs) and how our more than 1000 RUO reagents support laboratory requirements ranging from the routine to the most niche testing.Explore -
Discover how flow cytometry DNA analysis is applied in agriculture and aquaculture, and microbiology in beverages and water.Explore
Discover how our consumables including filters, calibration and QC particles, cleaning fluid and vials help labs prepare samples for cell culture or measurement by flow cytometry.Explore
Discover more in flow cytometry
Flow Cytometry 101: Fluids Cells Measurements
During this webinar, the presenter will discuss the theory and principles of flow technology and how it has evolved over the last few decades. Case-based review will be used to highlight the diagnostic advantages of flow cytometry testing.
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Explore more lab solutions
Explore our urinalysis solutions designed to provide your lab with start-to-finish urinalysis workflow, maximum flexibility and minimal hands-on time.
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Our award-winning hematology analyzers are scalable, modular and customized for your laboratory’s needs.
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Accurately and precisely measure the factors required to stop bleeding and identify possible abnormalities.
Explore Hemostasis